User Friendly Code for Stopping Rules
Table of Contents
⚠️ Make Sure You Understand the Code Before Using It ⚠️
The old code we used for Bayesian monitoring rules was not very user-friendly. Ruizhe and I have incorporated the old code into a function that allows you to input all parameters at once, and it will produce the desired results along with interpretations.
In this post, I will demonstrate the code and provide examples of its use in various scenarios.
Outcomes of Interest
For monitoring toxicity, having the response of 1 would mean the patient experience toxicity and theta means the probability of experiencing toxicity.
For monitoring AE, having the response of 1 would mean the patient experience an adverse event and theta means the probability of experiencing AE.
For monitoring futility, having the response of 1 would mean the patient experience a non success/response (e.g., failure to achieve pathologic complete response) and theta means the probability of having a failure event/non-response.
Function Input
- prior.a: the shape1 parameter for the beta prior distribution
- prior.b: the shape2 parameter for the beta prior distribution
- a.seed: the set seed for conducting simulation studies
- samp.size: how many participants will enroll for each trial
- nSim: number of simulation studies to calculate the operating characteristics
- check.points: at what sample sizez will the stopping criteria be checked. Examples:
for @@@checking at each enrollment from 1 to 30: check.points = seq(1,30,1)
@@@checking at every 3 patients from 20 to 26: check.points = seq(20,26,by=3)
@@@checking at three arbitrarily specified enrollment: check.points = c(15,27,30)
@@@checking once at 20: check.points = 20
- theta.c: beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
- risk.vec: for what probabilities of event (toxicity/AE/non-response) are we doing simulations
- post.prob.cutoff: posterior probability cutoff
- futility: FALSE if you are monitoring AEs (default); TRUE if you are monitoring futility.
BayesMonitBiBeta <- function(
) {
GetPosteriorParms = function(a, b, n, x) {
c(a+x, b+n-x)
GetStoppingRule = function(n, a, b, ToxCutOff, StopProbCutOff, futility){
if (futility==FALSE){
for (i in 1:n) {
ProbTooTox = pbeta(ToxCutOff, a+i, b+n-i, lower.tail=F) # Prob > Cutoff
if (ProbTooTox >= StopProbCutOff) {
print(paste("Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if", i, "or more out of", n, "participants experience toxicity/AEs."),
else if (futility==TRUE){
for (i in 1:n) {
ProbTooTox = pbeta(ToxCutOff, a+i, b+n-i, lower.tail=F) # Prob > Cutoff
if (ProbTooTox >= StopProbCutOff) {
print(paste("Probability of no evidence of futility too high if", n-i, "or less out of", n, "participants respond."),
PrintResults = function(risk.val, nSim, Stop, sample.size.stopped, SampleSize,
num.checks, check.points) {
cat(paste("We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for", num.checks,"time(s) at total enrollments of",paste(check.points, collapse =","), " participants. \n"))
cat(paste0("Results of ", nSim, " simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = ",
risk.val, " are:\n"))
cat(paste("\t", sum(Stop, na.rm=T), " out of ", nSim, " trial(s) ",
"(", round(100*sum(Stop, na.rm=T)/sum(!, 1),
"%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.","\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("\tAverage sample size when trial stopped is: ", round(mean(sample.size.stopped, na.rm=T)),
".\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("\tAverage sample size of all trials: ", round(mean(SampleSize, na.rm=T)),
".\n", sep=""))
cat("\tRange of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=")
cat(paste(min(sample.size.stopped, na.rm=T), ", max=", max(sample.size.stopped, na.rm=T), ").\n", sep=""))
# A vector to store whether the trial is stopped during each simuation study
Stop = rep(0, nSim)
num.checks = length(check.points) # how many looks are we taking
# nPerLook is defined as how many "new" observations we have at
# each look
nPerLook = check.points - c(0,check.points[1:length(check.points)-1])
nEve = matrix(NA, nrow=nSim, ncol=num.checks)
# vector to store the sample size of the trial when stopped!
sample.size.stopped <- rep(NA,nSim)
# vector to store the total sample size of the trial
SampleSize = rep(NA, nSim)
# matrix storing posterior probability of experiencing the toxicity/AE/failure event
PostProbs = matrix(NA, nrow=nSim, ncol=num.checks)
# Create a list to store the simulation study results for each
# assumed risk in risk.vec
res.list <- vector("list", length(risk.vec))
# set the seed
# the first look go through each risk scenario specified in the risk.vec input
for (iEve in 1:length(risk.vec)) {
pEve = risk.vec[iEve] # the ith cutoff for deciding whether to stop the trial
for (iSim in 1:nSim) {
# Temp store the temporary number of events happened at each incremental look
Temp = 0 # notice the danger of using a scalar cumulative counter!!!
Stop[iSim] = 0
for (j in 1:num.checks) {
Temp = Temp + rbinom(1, nPerLook[j], pEve)
nEve[iSim, j] = Temp
SampleSize[iSim] = check.points[j]
# what's the posterior prob params given the observed data and the prior?
Parms = GetPosteriorParms(prior.a, prior.b, check.points[j], Temp)
PostProbs[iSim, j] = pbeta(theta.c, Parms[1], Parms[2], lower.tail=F)
if (PostProbs[iSim, j] >= post.prob.cutoff) {
Stop[iSim] = 1
# record the sample size when stopped
sample.size.stopped[iSim] <- sum(nPerLook[1:j])
# store iEve th result
PrintResults(risk.val=risk.vec[iEve], nSim, Stop, sample.size.stopped, SampleSize, num.checks, check.points)
res.list[[iEve]] <- data.frame(risk=risk.vec[iEve],
num.trials = nSim,
num.stopped = sum(Stop, na.rm=T),
prob.stopping = sum(Stop, na.rm=T)/sum(!
print("####---Stopping Rules---####")
for (i in check.points) {
GetStoppingRule(i, prior.a, prior.b, theta.c, post.prob.cutoff, futility)
print("####---Numerical Results---####")
Sample Scenarios
Let’s using
- beta(1.5, 5.5);
- total sample size (N) = 30;
- too toxic/not efficient if probability of more than 25% pts experience events of interest (AEs, no response) > 65%,
for our sample scenarios.
Continuous Monitoring Every Pts
From 1st to 33rd pts, monitoring each pt.
BayesMonitBiBeta(prior.a = 1.5,
prior.b = 5.5,
a.seed = 12345,
samp.size = 33,
nSim = 10000,
check.points = c(1:33),
theta.c = 0.25, # beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
risk.vec = c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35),
post.prob.cutoff = 0.65,
futility = FALSE)
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 33 time(s) at total enrollments of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.15 are:
## 1832 out of 10000 trial(s) (18.3%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 7.
## Average sample size of all trials: 28.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=2, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 33 time(s) at total enrollments of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.2 are:
## 3638 out of 10000 trial(s) (36.4%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 8.
## Average sample size of all trials: 24.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=2, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 33 time(s) at total enrollments of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.25 are:
## 5724 out of 10000 trial(s) (57.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 9.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=2, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 33 time(s) at total enrollments of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.3 are:
## 7644 out of 10000 trial(s) (76.4%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 9.
## Average sample size of all trials: 15.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=2, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 33 time(s) at total enrollments of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.35 are:
## 8936 out of 10000 trial(s) (89.4%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 9.
## Average sample size of all trials: 11.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=2, max=33).
## [1] "####---Stopping Rules---####"
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 2 or more out of 2 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 2 or more out of 3 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 2 or more out of 4 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 3 or more out of 5 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 3 or more out of 6 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 3 or more out of 7 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 4 or more out of 8 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 4 or more out of 9 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 4 or more out of 10 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 4 or more out of 11 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 5 or more out of 12 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 5 or more out of 13 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 5 or more out of 14 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 5 or more out of 15 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 6 or more out of 16 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 6 or more out of 17 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 6 or more out of 18 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 19 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 20 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 21 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 22 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 23 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 24 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 25 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 26 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 27 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 28 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 29 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 30 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 31 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 32 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 33 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] "####---Numerical Results---####"
## [[1]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.15 10000 1832 0.1832
## [[2]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.2 10000 3638 0.3638
## [[3]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.25 10000 5724 0.5724
## [[4]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.3 10000 7644 0.7644
## [[5]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.35 10000 8936 0.8936
Single Assessment After Enrolling X Patients
Check once after enrolling 20 pts.
BayesMonitBiBeta(prior.a = 1.5,
prior.b = 5.5,
a.seed = 12345,
samp.size = 33,
nSim = 10000,
check.points = c(20),
theta.c = 0.25, # beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
risk.vec = c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35),
post.prob.cutoff = 0.65,
futility = FALSE)
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.15 are:
## 223 out of 10000 trial(s) (2.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.2 are:
## 868 out of 10000 trial(s) (8.7%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.25 are:
## 2117 out of 10000 trial(s) (21.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.3 are:
## 3827 out of 10000 trial(s) (38.3%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.35 are:
## 5840 out of 10000 trial(s) (58.4%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## [1] "####---Stopping Rules---####"
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 20 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] "####---Numerical Results---####"
## [[1]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.15 10000 223 0.0223
## [[2]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.2 10000 868 0.0868
## [[3]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.25 10000 2117 0.2117
## [[4]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.3 10000 3827 0.3827
## [[5]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.35 10000 5840 0.584
Check the futility once after enrolling 20 pts.
BayesMonitBiBeta(prior.a = 1.5,
prior.b = 5.5,
a.seed = 12345,
samp.size = 33,
nSim = 10000,
check.points = c(20),
theta.c = 0.25, # beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
risk.vec = c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35),
post.prob.cutoff = 0.65,
futility = TRUE)
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.15 are:
## 223 out of 10000 trial(s) (2.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.2 are:
## 868 out of 10000 trial(s) (8.7%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.25 are:
## 2117 out of 10000 trial(s) (21.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.3 are:
## 3827 out of 10000 trial(s) (38.3%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 1 time(s) at total enrollments of 20 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.35 are:
## 5840 out of 10000 trial(s) (58.4%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 20.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=20).
## [1] "####---Stopping Rules---####"
## [1] Probability of no evidence of futility too high if 13 or less out of 20 participants respond.
## [1] "####---Numerical Results---####"
## [[1]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.15 10000 223 0.0223
## [[2]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.2 10000 868 0.0868
## [[3]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.25 10000 2117 0.2117
## [[4]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.3 10000 3827 0.3827
## [[5]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.35 10000 5840 0.584
Initial Assessment After Enrolling X Patients, Followed by Continuous Monitoring
BayesMonitBiBeta(prior.a = 1.5,
prior.b = 5.5,
a.seed = 12345,
samp.size = 33,
nSim = 10000,
check.points = c(20, seq(20,33,1)),
theta.c = 0.25, # beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
risk.vec = c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35),
post.prob.cutoff = 0.65,
futility = FALSE)
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 15 time(s) at total enrollments of 20,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.15 are:
## 499 out of 10000 trial(s) (5%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 23.
## Average sample size of all trials: 32.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 15 time(s) at total enrollments of 20,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.2 are:
## 1928 out of 10000 trial(s) (19.3%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 23.
## Average sample size of all trials: 31.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 15 time(s) at total enrollments of 20,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.25 are:
## 4279 out of 10000 trial(s) (42.8%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 23.
## Average sample size of all trials: 28.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 15 time(s) at total enrollments of 20,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.3 are:
## 6602 out of 10000 trial(s) (66%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 22.
## Average sample size of all trials: 26.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=33).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 15 time(s) at total enrollments of 20,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.35 are:
## 8424 out of 10000 trial(s) (84.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 22.
## Average sample size of all trials: 23.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=20, max=33).
## [1] "####---Stopping Rules---####"
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 20 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 20 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 21 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 7 or more out of 22 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 23 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 24 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 25 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 26 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 27 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 28 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 29 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 9 or more out of 30 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 31 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 32 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 10 or more out of 33 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] "####---Numerical Results---####"
## [[1]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.15 10000 499 0.0499
## [[2]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.2 10000 1928 0.1928
## [[3]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.25 10000 4279 0.4279
## [[4]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.3 10000 6602 0.6602
## [[5]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.35 10000 8424 0.8424
Self-defined Multiple Timepoint Assessments
The distances between time points are not necessary the same.
BayesMonitBiBeta(prior.a = 1.5,
prior.b = 5.5,
a.seed = 12345,
samp.size = 33,
nSim = 10000,
check.points = c(10, 15, 25),
theta.c = 0.25, # beyond which rate we would consider the new drug is too toxic/too many AE/may fail.
risk.vec = c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35),
post.prob.cutoff = 0.65,
futility = FALSE)
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 3 time(s) at total enrollments of 10,15,25 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.15 are:
## 860 out of 10000 trial(s) (8.6%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 13.
## Average sample size of all trials: 24.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=10, max=25).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 3 time(s) at total enrollments of 10,15,25 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.2 are:
## 2254 out of 10000 trial(s) (22.5%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 13.
## Average sample size of all trials: 22.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=10, max=25).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 3 time(s) at total enrollments of 10,15,25 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.25 are:
## 4167 out of 10000 trial(s) (41.7%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 14.
## Average sample size of all trials: 20.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=10, max=25).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 3 time(s) at total enrollments of 10,15,25 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.3 are:
## 6175 out of 10000 trial(s) (61.8%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 14.
## Average sample size of all trials: 18.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=10, max=25).
## We checked for toxicity/AE/futility for 3 time(s) at total enrollments of 10,15,25 participants.
## Results of 10000 simulations with assumed probability of toxicity/AE/non-response = 0.35 are:
## 7816 out of 10000 trial(s) (78.2%) stopped because posterior probability of toxicity/AE/non-response is too high.
## Average sample size when trial stopped is: 13.
## Average sample size of all trials: 16.
## Range of sample size when trial stopped is: (min=10, max=25).
## [1] "####---Stopping Rules---####"
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 4 or more out of 10 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 5 or more out of 15 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] Probability of toxicity/AEs is too high if 8 or more out of 25 participants experience toxicity/AEs.
## [1] "####---Numerical Results---####"
## [[1]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.15 10000 860 0.086
## [[2]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.2 10000 2254 0.2254
## [[3]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.25 10000 4167 0.4167
## [[4]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.3 10000 6175 0.6175
## [[5]]
## risk num.trials num.stopped prob.stopping
## 1 0.35 10000 7816 0.7816